Submitted by sam on Sun, 08/20/2006 - 17:41.
Well, recently there's been another rash of people who have steamrolled through the Promies. The most recent ones have been lead by Xilldon, and I think his group now only lacks Mea. So, I think, once again, it's time to start considering another CoP 2-3 "Phomiuna Aqueducts" run, as we should easily have an Alliance of folks who need it (and Alliances can make CoP 2-3 much easier).
Right now, I'm tentatively considering the weekend of Sept. 2nd-3rd, 2006, for a CoP 2-3 run. I do need to know who is needing this who can be available for a run that weekend. Please add your comments to this thread if you need 2-3 and can come on the weekend of Sept. 2nd-2rd.
CoP 2-5
Okay, the other thing is, I've looked at our old CoP poll and noticed we have several people stuck on the Mammet fight... which... admittedly... is a very rough battle (probably the biggest "chance" battle of all of CoP).
Anyway, I'm still not very interested in just leading up a general purpose ClanAM CoP 2-5 run just yet. The reason I don't want to is because CoP 2-5 requires significant time and financial investments for something that you may ultimately lose.
That being said, I've noticed we have many BSTs 40+ now... and I know that several of them are on the Mammet fight. Personally, I've always wondered how well a BST-heavy party would do in the Mammet fight.
So, if we can get enough BSTs who need it, I'd be glad to put the effort into leading up another CoP 2-5 run if for no other reason that to see if BST can make that nasty battle any easier.
I been waiting since
I been waiting since february to do this so i look forward to a 2-5 run i can come as bst if that is gonna be the tactic.
Hello everyone,
I have recently suffered massive burnout from leveling BSt and consequently I am not playing much at the moment. I will be back though periodically to attend events and eventually play a lot again after this phase passes. (Those of you that know me from the old days know this isnt the first time I laid off the game...6 months once.) I would definitely like to help out on all COP events no matter what level. I am on 2-5 ATM (mammets), but i would love to help on 2-3 also. I can bring THF, BST, WHM, RNG. all 40+ or I have SMN at 38 and NIN at 38 and BLM at 38 if you need me to get these to 40.So just let me know on this blog what you need and when it takes place..I will be gone 4 days the holiday weekend, but am available any other weekend. Hope to see you all soon, Mynx
CoP 2-3
Hi, I am on CoP 2-3 and would like to attend. I can bring WAR, SMN, or WHM and should be available that weekend.
Honestly, at this point I have no idea which jobs we need... But I do know we'll have an alliance... likely...
Right now, my bet is SMN as you will be able to DD and heal... but keep your options open in case we need a pure WHM or some pure DD (WAR).
Vis Maior's Journeys
COP 2-3
WAR/NIN! Ready for COP 2-3 "on the weekend of Sept. 2nd-2rd."
My Promy runs and Jobs
As of now I'm dont with promys and Deathstalker finshed Mea on his own. I will still have Mea for Zimblade(not in LS) and I'm sure he would want to come too. He'll have BLU at 40 by then I think. As for me I only have RDM at 40 but as soon as im lvl 65 im going to lvl BLM to 40. Dunno if i can do it brfore this though.
Honestly, if we can get 8+ people for the Minotaur fight, the jobs don't matter too much. So RDM will be fine.
Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the people you just listed constitute:
* Zimblade (what job?)
Does this day work for them? Death needs to get on the site and let us know :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
cop 2-3
i need 2-3, the 2nd sounds good to me just let me know a time. Im assuming i can bring my all dependable WHM :p see you in ther game
I ment
I meant Zim will probably have BLU at 40. My BLU is lvl 5 xD. I dunno if he can make it I'll ask him.
As of now i just finished the promies Woo Hoo!!! And yes i am on the 2-3 Minotaur fight! If im thinking right, thats a lvl 40 cap yes? If so.. i have Thief @ 55 and Beastmaster @ 51.. these are the only jobs above 40 ;; .. but anyway i would like to go if there is still room.. so ummmmmmm yea.. thats all for now! Laters!
After CoP 2-3, would you be interested in trying your BST out in 2-5? (The Mammet fight)
As I mentioned above, I'd love to try a 4 BST team on them.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yes to the mammets with my bst
Hello, i wish i could attend 2-3, but i will be on vacation from that Fri. till monday. I would however, like to attend future ones including 2-5 with my Bst or i have other jobs if needed. thanks. Mynx
Okay, we will aim for a 2-5 run after you get back. That weekend was getting too busy as it was.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Sure count me in!
Thersites BST
I should have BST 40 by then and I still need to beat those Mammets, so count me in.
2-5.... so far
Okay, so the people I have interested in a run are:
* Thersites : BST
* Deathstalker : BST
* Maior : NIN (or MNK, or even WAR, depends)
We just need a WHM or a SMN for healing, and two more BSTs. I think Dayum is on this battle, one of us needs to probably contact him in the game and see if he wanted to go. Mynx also has BST 40 (see above) but I have no idea if the post she made above means she's interested in joining us or not.
Vis Maior's Journeys
i will have smn, whm, or bst at 40 whichever is needed
i have bst and whm above 40 if needed and can also have smn there if needed, Mynx
CoP 2-3
I need 2-3. I can be WAR or SAM. Saturday works best for me.
CoP 2-5 Yes Please!
I'm on 2-5 now, but I don't have BST lol.
I'm 75RNG and 66COR. I also have 39 NIN, I could level it up if I needed.
You know my schedule, I usually only play in the morning.