Submitted by sam on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 13:25.
ZM1-3 (CSes)
25% (4 votes)
ZM4 (Tonberry BCNM)
38% (6 votes)
ZM5 (Headstones)
6% (1 vote)
ZM6 (Antican BCNM)
0% (0 votes)
ZM7 (CS)
0% (0 votes)
ZM8 (Return to Delkfutt's Tower)
0% (0 votes)
ZM9-11 (CSes)
0% (0 votes)
ZM12 (Pot spawn)
0% (0 votes)
ZM13 (CS - Sky Access)
0% (0 votes)
ZM14 (Ark Angels)
19% (3 votes)
ZM15 (CS)
6% (1 vote)
ZM16 (The Celestial Nexus)
0% (0 votes)
ZM17 (CS)
0% (0 votes)
Done with ZM, Done with CoP, Ready for "Apocalypse Nigh"
0% (0 votes)
Done with ZM, still doing CoP
0% (0 votes)
I don't have the Zilart Expansion Pack (something is very wrong, who am I, and where are my pants?)
6% (1 vote)
Total votes: 16
I have never won (nor attempted) my Windurst Mission 5-1, 5-2 is the Shadow Lord Fight (which
lists as a requirement for ZM)
Apparently after I win Mission 5-2 I can go to Norg and begin on ZM? So says Killing Ifrit.
also this is a great site...
edit: LOL i linked my favorite COP site to a ZM topic, smooth....anyways worth looking at for cop
Erica's site
Actually, I no longer recommend that site for CoP missions and info.
First of all, the site has been horribly incomplete for a while now. The author didn't even start the guide until he was on or past CoP 4... which means that all the stuff before hand was from memory (this is especially evident in the Promy section which has all sorts of problems).
Second of all, due to some ugliness on his server, it seems Erica has left the game under rather negative circumstances (if you want the full details, check out the forums on Allah, or come talk to us in IRC). Couple this with the fact that Erica has been pissed that others have been doing a better job at CoP guides than him, and you find a person that is even threatening to remove his site from the internet for good. From this:
Please don’t send me any more emails or messages about FFXI or this site. I am, as I said, not updating the site and so I’m not looking for information to fill the few holes that remain. And honestly I don’t really want to talk about FFXI stuff right now.
If people won’t leave me alone about it I’ll have to take the site down. I don’t like threats though so just, ya know, leave it be.
Basically, "For Glory" isn't the best place for CoP info anymore, and it may go down for ever over silliness. I still recommend FFXIclopedia for CoP stuff these days. Community editted > personally editted anyday.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Erica is a dick
Theres been lots of ugliness from eric'as server over this. It's all HNMLS bullshit (people who think HNMLSes are a good thing are idiots) so it honestly is to be expected.
What i find funniest about Erica's rant on his site is that he accuses ffxiclopedia of stealing his stuff. This is funny because ffxiclopedia is so much more complete than anything erica offers.
Also, many people probably dont remember that Erica once got mad at me in in an Allah forum because he thought i stole stuff from his site in my guide on this site (even though my guide predated erica's by like 6 months).
Anyway, Erica is a spoiled princess who's head got too big.

ZM, Missions, and Stuff
Yes, 5-2 is a requirement for part of ZM1 (Killing Ifrit, and many US sites, are actually wrong in saying ZM1 starts when it does, it actually started way back with the Kazham Airship keys).
The 5-1 and 5-2 missions are not nation specific, so you can go with people from any nation who are on or past them when you actually do them. The missions don't get nation specific again until the 6-X series.
Also, I've noticed you've been saying you use KI a lot for mission stuff lately (I know you used it for a CoP mission a while back). If I were you, I'd stop using them exclusively. KI's stuff is generally way outdated, and typically quite wrong.
These days I personally use FFXIclopedia for all my mission stuff (see their mission page here). Community editted sites (especially wikis) are really the best way to go about stuff like this (since you can have so much colaboration). The great thing is, if you find something that is incorrect or incomplete, you can help make it better (check the contribs on stuff there and you'll find stuff I've added or updated).
Vis Maior's Journeys
I think I will just list myself as being on ZM minus 1 when someone asks me =^_^=
5-1 is a bunch of skeletons in one fight so youll probably want 2 MNK. I recently fought the SL he was a total pushover with lvl 75 MNK 71 RNG and 75 WHM.
It looks like a lot of people are sitting on ZM4 and ready to begin the Zilart missions. I'm sitting on ZM4, also. I know you guys said I could do it with help at level 55, but I'll level to 60 before I try to put anything together for it. That way I'll be better prepared.
ZM4 is the big stumbling block, honestly. It requires a few things:
Once you get past ZM4, it kind of is smooth sailing except for some aspects of ZM5. Honestly, if you can get yourself a solid little static for ZM4, you can use that static to take you straight through till ZM13 and Sky access.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Once again, a throwback to an older poll.
Vis Maior's Journeys
i take it back!
im on ZM5 now =D
but i would love to help with zm4 again i think its kind of fun... just a bit of work.