ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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OMG!!! Seagull Grounded Rulez!!!!
Never been there, but they tell me it's nice, LOL
Has a cool name too!
Honestly, I thought it was a pretty lame Assault.
It's more of an annoying escort IMHO.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Agent Rescue
I love the concept of hurting an enemy without killing them lol
The one i dislike the most is Leujaoam Cleasning, but that may be because as a RNG everyone always wants to do that one ; ;

Uhh Ive only done one lol
Excavation Duty > j00
I have no favorite
I have no favorite, I enjoy them all so far.
Mainly if Clan folks show up, with a minimum of bickering (often the case, though sometimes people do seem to get upset) I find the Assault to be enjoyable =^_^=
I have Tier Two Assaults unlocked, I have yet to do my first Tier Two though.
Once again the SE silliness about only so many tags, so often, is annoying. As I understand it only one tag will unlock per twenty-four hour period (sort of like an automated dog-food bowl) up to a maximum of four tags (one on you and three available in the automated bowl).
I am sort of working on Irusi Atoll ( the most popular assault area ) points since there is one item there which looks pretty good for WHM.
If answered "None"...
BTW, if any of you answered "None" for any reason, then you need to get with the program and go read Cyc's awesome Assault Guide.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Does this apply even if u dont have the expansion yet?
Just to spite you!