Submitted by cyclonus on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 15:23.
Darkkit has asked that I post this for her.
She has requested help for a ZM 8 run (you must be on or passed Zilart Mission 8) on Sunday, June 11 at 8:00 EDT in the evening.
On a side note, Davros requires a key item from Ifrit's Cauldron to complete his ZM5, perhaps we can head out there, complete his mission, get a few coffer keys, *coughgetmyskullcough* and have him ready for the mission as well.
I will help both Darkkit and Davros as needed.
Rank 5
I am Rank 5 so I won't be making an appearance =^_^=
Rank 6
Rank 6 isn't hard. You just need some people willing to go with you to kill the Shadowlord. He really is a pushover if you can convince one 75 MNK, one 75 SMN, and one 70+ PLD to come with to use their 2 hours.

MNK for the first form, SMN for the second, PLD to keep hate.
Beyond those 3, any other jobs are just filler.
Vis Maior's Journeys
shameless plugging for MNK are we? But the SL is easy, frankly he's a joke.
I have done zero ZM to the best of my knowledge. Someone told me getting to Kazham is ZM1, however.
kinduv... its actual NORG and its post rank 6... but i could see how someone might get that confused, or in this case all wrong.
Nope, ZM1 involves getting to Norg. Which means getting the Kazham airship keys. If you think back waaaaay when you first got the Kazham, there was a cutscene. That was a Zilart Mission cutscene... had you been monitoring your Mission log you would have seen it change then.

It's a common misconception that you don't start the Zilart Missions until after rank 6... but that is wrong. The truth is you don't continue the Zilart Missions until after rank 6.
The big problem is most NA players have never played this game without the Zilart expansion pack. So the division between ZM and normal missions/quests blurs.
Vis Maior's Journeys
the good ol' wyrven skull... god damn that brings back memories.
couple words of wisdom cyc on getting that skull...
take a BLM for escape or warp...
Take a whm... raise 3 might be nice, and you NEED!!!! Barthundra... the wyrvens there tend to spam a thunder based attack, in a cone effect, hitting all in the forward arc. It bypasses all DMG reduction and goes straight to HP. Its a 700hp hitter to anyone caught in range... this K'OD me twice... Where you want to pull the wyrvs too there is a ledge on the other side guarded by a nasty raptor... also a NM wyrven pops out there. ALL in ALL it should be a smashingly good time. When we went we had a BRD, BLM, BST, and NIN
The BST would charm ASH LIZARDS, which would tank the Wyrvens... that seemed to help alot, nin was support against the mob when it'd occasionally kill off the Lizzies, tho this rearly happended because the lizzies have a greater HP pool than the wyrvs.
Well good luck on it if i can't make it.
P.S. i think we got the drop on the 5th MOB, once again it was almost a year ago when i went and did this.
Teh Skull
I've done the skull hunt on 4 occasions, only one time for myself.
I did make a post about the one time I did it for myself, and what happened; that was a bad day and resulted in a GM call and someone getting banned... needless to say I didn't get my skull.
I probably shouldn't say this, but I don't even really want the skull. 1) Because I will look goofy wearing the crown and 2) It's not really that much of an important item as people make it out to be (many great alternatives, but since I left the end-game garbage, I can careless for teh uberz!1 gearoz! The day I play solely to obtain a virtual item, is the day I quit :-p).
Part of the problem with this particular drop (ZM5 also), is that the danger of Ifrit's Cauldron is SO grossly exaggerated it deters most people from helping.
Oh and those Wyrvens suck...Radiant Breath can kiss my ass
I see you have been expossed to the thunder attack and all its suckness before. Fabulous!
Well, I'd love to come help out... my only problem is this weekend I will be out of game (1 year wedding aniversary, so we're going out most of the weekend).

As for Davros, I'd love to help. I need something in Ifrits for my NIN (probably AF, I need to check again). I assume what he needs is to kill the NM out there for.... wait-a-minute.. you sure that was ZM5?
Anyway... any weekend other than this weekend should work for me.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Yep, the mission after the tonberries. Technically not in IC, just outside - the 2 monkey fight..
Ah yes...
...The one where a cure cost me the key item...

Vis Maior's Journeys
Did i hear monkeyes flinging poo????!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?