Submitted by sam on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 23:18.
It has come to my attention lately that there has been a few vocal persons who have been complaining about things in LS chat. They have been complaining that they don't get help with things like the Promies, or they have been badmouthing suggested strategies, or they've been rude and hurtful to other players.
First of all, I think that we need to explain to people why certain things like the Promies are no longer regular clan-events. Second of all, I think we need to re-evaluate what this clan offers and, if you expect it to offer something else, then perhaps you should lead up an appropriate event yourself....
Read on for more...
About Promyvion, and other complex Missions
It is true that, for a while in 2005 (nearly 2 months) we were leading up semi-weekly Promyvion events to help people get through them. These were generally successful, but had a number of serious problems:
- #1 : The biggest problem was that people would show up unprepared. Promies are complicated things, and they require a great deal of precision that you don't need elsewhere in the game. They aren't unfairly difficult by any means, but you do have to put effort into preparing for them. Things like farming for Anima are a must if you want to ensure victory against a Promy boss. Too often, people wouldn't have done the few things they needed to do before hand and would show up expecting to be led through Promy without putting forth much effort on their part.
- #2 : People would show up late. This is a problem for every event, really. Some people just don't seem to have the common courtesy to not waste people's time and show up to events in a timely fashion.
- #3 : Many people would not take the Promy ascent seriously. They would goof off, tell jokes, and not pay attention. This invariably led to aggro problems, people going AFK at bad moments, and even total failures of the event.
- #4 : People who needed the Promy boss wouldn't want to participate in the other things you can do in Promy (like ENM battles or map quests). Quite frankly, the biggest reason a person who has already beaten Promy will want to return to a Promy is for the ENM battles. It's very hard to convince people who don't need the Promy boss to help you with it unless you can give them something in return.
Because of these (and other problems) I personal swore off leading Promy events ever again. It was entirely too frustrating to lead them up.
Now, I never forbade anyone else from leading up Promy events. But invariably other people would try to lead these events and find the same frustrations only to give up on leading them up as well.
So, the unspoken policy became "If you want to beat the Promies, then you need to go read the Promy guide, prepare for it, and organize your own runs." Many of us felt this was a reasonable thing to expect since we all did this to beat our own Promies. I personally went on dozens of failed runs before I figured out the strategy for success in these. I then organized my own groups on all but one of my successful runs. I didn't have anyone hold my hand and do all the hard stuff in the mission for me.
So when someone does not help you get through your Promies, it's nothing personal against you. It's just because they have probably already been burned by people who leeched off of them to get done with the Promies. Chances are, if you can show you've prepared (farmed anima, read the guide) they will be more than happy to help you out.
On Strategies
I am someone who does a hell of a lot of research. Seriously, I do a veritable shit load of research. I am something of a research-king. It's part of my job, and it's one of the talents I have.
But the one thing I've learned after all of my researching is that research, in and of itself, is worthless without experimentation.
Thus, I am also an experimentalist. I test every theory out, usually numerous times, before I commit to it. This is why I personally have done easily 50 to 100 Promy runs (I'm in Thersty's ENM static, and we've gone weekly since August 2005). This is why I've taken every opportunity to run into the Aqueducts for sub farming, NM hunting, and Minotaur battles. This is also why I farmed for keys, the map, and other items needed for ZM4 for weeks before I actually even attempted the mission.
What does this mean? This means that I never put forth a strategy I personally haven't researched and experimented with.
So, if you have a problem with my strategy when I suggest that to ensure victory in a Promy battle you need 4-6 full sets of anima, that's fine.
Or, if you have a problem with the strategy I suggest where everyone dies in the 2-5 Mammet battle and then is reraised, fresh to fight the next Mammet, that's fine as well.
All that I ask if you disagree with me is that you research and experiment with it yourself. Please don't get in an arguement with me, or anyone else if you haven't even attempted something yet. If all you have done is research, then you really can't say anything beyond speculation. Please don't argue and be contrary just because you think you know something someone else does not.
And please do not fall back on that same tired old argument that everyone who hasn't tried something uses: "It's how the Japanese do it."
I've got news for you, the game has been out in the states for 3 years now including the betas. I personally have been playing it nearly that long. There are plenty of US players who know just as much about this game as their Japanese counterpart.
The Japanese gamers are not wizards! They don't have superhuman skills that we don't have. All they have over us is they whine a lot less. Seriously... I kid you not. I have a couple of dozen close Japanese player friends (my Japanese is very suspect, my 2 year courses didn't help me much with casual Japanese, so my friends all speak English :-) I've often bounced ideas and things off of them, especially when someone used the "It's how the Japanese do it" argument. Most of the time, I find that these Japanese friends laugh at the suggestions that I personally found silly. Most of the time, they confirm what I already knew.
Bottom line is, I don't care if you disagree with one of my strategies, I'm always open minded to alternative view points and can be convinced if I am wrong on something. But if you disagree with me, you better have some very compelling real experience evidence on the subject... Because I certainly will have it.
About events in general
A lot of people complain because when they need help, they don't instantly have it from the Clan/LS. They pop in LS chat and say they need things like AF keys, or G1 items, or whatever, and are shocked that no one wants to just drop what they are doing to come help them.
Please bear in mind that everyone has their own things they are doing. Chances are, they are going to be busy. So if they can't help you instantly, either be patient, or try again later.
If what you need is complicated and will require a lot of time to complete, post it on this site in the Events Forum. Organize the event yourself. Chances are, you will find other people that need it as well who are willing to help.
The Events Forum is where you should go if you want to lead up any event on your own. It's the best place to communicate and find other people willing to help you out. If it is something that doesn't conflict with other events, or is something that many people may need/want, I will post it on the 2 week calendar that is always at the top of the main site page.
What does this clan offer?
Finally, I'd like to close with exactly what this clan offers.
This clan is hard to describe. We're largely a social clan in that many of us are very good friends. I personally have been playing with a dozen or so of you since 2000 (in different games) and I use my clan as a means to keep in contact with you and play with you.
However, we aren't exclusively social... we do get things done.
We have events scheduled and listed on our 2 week calendar. This calendar is updated pretty much weekly (unless I get too busy with work and things to update it :-) The events are always lead by members within the clan. We don't have any specific event organizers. Basically, if you want an event to occur, then we recommend you try to lead it up.
What this clan does not do (or what most people in it try not to do) is hold people's hands.
Speaking for myself, I very rarely have help with things. I usually have to figure things out on my own, and lead up missions/quests/events that I need. For example, I personally farmed with a group of people for 8+ hours for my subjob quest items 2 years ago. It took me 2 weeks to get my Kazham Airship keys, which I did solo except for the time I was joined by Valsery (who also needed the keys). My Delkfurt tower mission also took 3 months before it was successful. Long story short, I've personally had to work at all my accomplishments, no one held my hand and did them all for me.
So, if you are looking for a clan full of people with every job at 75 who are bored and want to relive their earlier glories vicariously through you but doing all your missions/quests for you, then you may want to look for another clan/LS.
However, if you're affable and willing to put forth the effort to get things done, then you've come to the right place :-)
Just a quick comment or two
Firstly, I personally do not believe that HELPING is a waste of time. I have been playing this game for a long time and this is the first LS I have run across that actually creates a conducive environment for help.
With that being said, I have two comments. Firstly, I think that this LS should be the first place a member asks for help. However, as Maior indicated, if other members do not immediately stop what they are doing to assist you, please do not flame or belittle them. Further, if YOU are asking for help, I feel it is your responsibility to adequately research and prepare for the event. Help us, help you.
Additionally, please refrain from listing all the times you have helped a LS members with something. You help to help and not to gain recognition credit. Also, helping is very different from participating. Too often, members will state how they helped with a particular event, when in actuality it was participation and not purely to provide help.
In short, if you want to help and can, that is great. If you do choose to help, the whole world does not need to know how great you think you are.
If you request help, please provide adequate notice and research your topic.
Hear hear!
(LOL, I don't know how they spell "hear hear" whether it is "here here" or "hear hear")
I think you summarized what Mai was saying quite suscintly and added an important point.
I was one of the people Mai was talking about who used to hold events but then got burned by people (I was the one who tried to organize the first few failed 3-3 missions... But when half your group keeps showing up with 3-2 re-activated it's kind of hard ^^)
So when I hear people I've never met before and I know nothing about whining because they don't have a LS sack or something claiming that they help out so much even thought I've never seen them at any event, it makes me upset.
Put simply, if you only go around helping random folk in the LS but never show up for organized LS events, then you really aren't helping out the LS.

well well well...Maior i wish you'd just name names, yknow so we can address our bad habits and faults as human beings so we can be more like you^^. i totaly agree with you about research, holdin hands and all that jazz, but i feel the purpose of the clan is not only to keep friendship ties strong but to also assist our comrades if and whenever possible. I strongly advocate this. If i'm not busy ie. partying or engaged in an event with other players I am always available to give assistance, i try to stay flexible. Like everybody there are times when on the spur of the moment you might need something for example: lets say linkshell member X has just made it to lvl50 and cant progress cause he needs g1, what should he do? well according to you shouting for help sux and its frowned upon, and if he needs help because this is an event he will clearly need help with, put in a request on the site. Now i put it to you my dear friend is it wrong for him to ask the assistance of his fellow ls mates? personaly i see nothing wrong with asking for help or shouting, thats just me tho^^. Ok I know i ask alot of questions and ask for alot of help , but i never did that without expecting to one day return the favor. further more i dont know if its just bad timing, or the whole ls zoned at the same time, or i am just being straight up ignored ; ; lol, but sometimes i get no responce at all. I mean i dont know if its deliberate or what so now i have chosen to keep my trap shut, seek help elsewhere if i can get it, i'm not above that. I do not pay 12 bucks a month to stress in a game lol i came to have fun while critically thinking and meeting good people. heh after all you would of had to be a spectacular pperson to be in an ls such as this. Or maybe i'm just a lil crazy =P. One more thing before i finish adding my 2 cents. I'd just like to officially thank anybody who has ever helped me in anyway shape or form. I am very sorry to have inconvenienced you or wasted your time. My most humble apologies and thanks^^. Toodles, Have a spectacular day=D
Talk about missing Sam's point entirely.
Here's the deal: People are busy. If you ask for help and they don't immediately jump up to help you out, then just deal with it. The problem Sam was talking about was when people start "/cry"ing or bitching when people don't have time to help them out as soon as they ask.
The problem is that everyone is playing at different times and has their own activities they are doing. Most people aren't just sitting around being bored waiting to help *YOU* out when you decide to show up and want help with G1! And if they are sitting around being bored then they are stupid because there's so much they could be doing (you don't want their help anyway).
So the point Sam was making, that apparently was missed on you, is that *YOU* should take some initiative and put forth the effort to find out what you need. He gave Promy as an example because this is something I see entirely too many people on this LS bitching about.
Promy is something that you really do have to schedule on the site. It is long and involved and everyone doing it has to do a lot of preparation. Sure, you may get lucky and be able to leech along with a pick-up party in Jeuno that just so happened to have prepared while you don't do anything, but that is very uncommon. Most people, if they want to beat a Promy, have to put forth the effort to accually get it done.
So just go back and re-read what he posted, because you didn't get it. I (and most people I know) aggree with Sam 100%. In fact, I personally think Sam was entirely too nice in his post. I think the problem is far worse and some of the people who bitch they cant get help at the drop of a hat without preparing should be kicked.
Events vs. Help
I think you missed Mai's point. He wasn't saying everything needs to be an event properly laid out on the site, he was just saying two things:
1 - If no one respons to your help with something (like G1, or Kazham Keys) then they are probably busy. Don't start whining and moaning because people don't immediately stop what they're doing and help. I know I've seen lots of times where people asking for help with stuff like that get irrate because no one is helping them.
2 - If it is something big that needs more preparation (like Promy, or a big mission) then don't come in LS chat and ask for help on it right now. Go in LS chat and gauge interest in it. Then, figure out a time and day for people, and come post it to the site.
Those are the two problems Mai was talking about (well, that and people arguing about strategies, which is another topic entirely^^)

I feel you big guy!
I respect this post, and if it were a normal thread i'd think it desirve a big rate up. ^^ I believe we have in escence deified the japanese in video games like this one. We see video clips like tetris mania, or 8-min mario and are shocked anybody could do that. So thats how the japanese do it has become almost a way to help ppl validate claims. I know i've said it, i'm sure you too probly have cought yourself uttering those dreadful words. I must admit i do respect japanese players more that american players because they, like you and me, aren't affraid to try something new, some crazy job combination. Most of the american players grow egos and become ridgid in there party set ups, i can't even count ne more how many english parties i've been in that were all the same style, i've been in many sucessful japanese parties that have 2 tanks, or one whm and all melee... Really the bottum note is how well you are willing to do your job. I am still new to this linkshell, but not new to this game. I was a prominate memeber of a linkshell Bringersoftheend, sadly the ls owner doubted my pull with the members and the ls broke apart. Like you i to do a plethora of research as a biology major there is no way around it... Be it testing methods in game or developing bacterial cultures research is fundmental to life. I hope memebers of the ls would take my advice more than blowing it off i have 2 yrs of experience have played in over 5 servers with over 6 characters. My primary focus has always been crafting in this game i saw it was a way to generate an income so i've written over 6 guides for the crafting system. (too lazy to publish them as each is over 300 pages of notes) you don't craft to 100 in a day, like wise you don't hit 75 in a day. These things must be earned through blood sweat and tears.
On a more friendly note i do offer my own personal expertise and help when asked so long as i'm not busy at the moment... For anybody else reading please... please... do a /sea all milo and see if my flag is up or i'm in a party, if i am don't interrupt me! I'm clearly busy at the moment. I have no problem helping clan members out, like last night i stayed up till 5 am helping bunky get his kazahm pass but plz don't abbuse it or me. I do work 20+ hrs a week, go to school full time have social agendas and occasional photoshoots on the weekend which require lots of my time. I post on here frequently enough please use it to your advantage. Lastly i don't tolarate lip in RL so i won't tolarate it in game, i'm perfectly cappable as a rational human to have a logical debate, but get your facts straight first i never conseed a point easily. With all that said, i enjoy sharing some memerable experiences with all of you, i hope my experiences can benifit you as much as yours might benifit me.
-like always Hobos in chocolate sauce
Milo ^^m
ill admit it...i kinda been takin advantage of all you guys with helping me with all of my stuff no matter what it be...i just want ty guys and ill try to be more respectful and organize and prepare for events