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This is holy. Maybe I'll start playing again! Pirates ; ; so awesome
Xilldï½ï½Žã€€ã‚Œè¦– ;; ♪♪♪´∇`
xill is a trader lol
I just quit playin fo a few months ><; well i dun member when we did that 5-1 buh that was last time i was on for like real.
Yar! Me Maties!
Fucking A'! From the description, it sounds like what THF should have been (I always wanted to like THF, it was my first job, but I just got sick of being a SATA puppy).
Al Zabhi, a city in the Empire, looks big. Man will it be nice to have another big city besides the 3 main nations and Jeuno^^
The Chigoe ("Sand Fleas") look annoying. There's really never been any mob smaller than the bats, all the insects have been big. Wonder if these things will be small?
As for the Qutub, ar these beastmen? WIll we get Qutub Underpants as drops lol^^

One thing I should note here is that this job seems to be more of a throw-back to the older FF job "Gambler". Thus, it may still not be exactly what you want.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Release date
BTW, they have set a release date of April 18, 2006. I can only assume this will coincide with the official XBox 360 launch of the game.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I wonder if that means come April 24th SOME aspects of the Economy will have changed? Easily-farmed-for-items have gotten silly expensive: bee hive chips, moat carp, crystals.
If it's anything like the PS2 release....
Prices will go up with the 360 launch. (BTW, I've been offline the last week or two enjoying my new 360 since it finally arrived. Merry X-mas to me! But I digress...)
I remember playing RDM first, and the lowest level gear was much higher than normal. Of course at that time I did not know that. Not knowing about quested items/etc I remember paying 5k for a spell of Dia, that now would barely make 1k. I may be wrong, but I think you'll see low level items spike even more when the new players join, and then eventually settle back down to the norm.
Also new quest items...
Yes, I can say I remember stuff like this.
I remember when the level 30 laten effect earrings first came out, they were sold for very high prices. I personally stupidly bought the "Killer Earring" for my MNK for 70k before anyone knew that the latent affect was only active if you were a DRK.
Later on, when I sold the useless (to me) earring back, I got maybe 5k for it.
Vis Maior's Journeys