ClanAM FFXI is the website for the Clan of the Angry Monkey Linkshell community on the Phoenix server.
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Congrats! The dragon fight was really the first mission that I loved. I killed my Dragon back in May 2004 as a Monk as well.

FWIW, later on, when I helped with Thersty's Dragon, we came back as 5 Monks and 1 White Mage. 2 Monks 2 houred the Eye and 3 Monks 2 houred the Dragon. We killed the stupid thing in less than 30 seconds :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
MNK solo Dragon
Also, in case you haven't ever seen it, here is footage of a Monk soloing the Dragon fight. I know you'll hear this from both me and Ray but, Monk rules! :-D
Vis Maior's Journeys