Submitted by Xilldon_RDM on Wed, 07/13/2005 - 16:22.
I have just discovered who evil SE can be to us PC users with the windower! I really dont want to have our fellow LS'r banned for useing a windower. Here are pics of the chat between the PC and the GM.

So now you see I shall now stop useing it. I hope you other PC users who do stop too.
what an a$$ h@l&!
Geez it just seemed like i was witnessing somebody being pulled over for speeding. i mean wtf that gm is a total tool. gawd all the guy did was use a freakin windower. Damn why doesnt SE spend time cracking down on Botters and gil sellers, christ! ok ok am i the only one not seeing how someone could benefit from seeing my tp or even care about them looking at it? well as far as i'm concern thats real trivial compared to never being able to nm hunt, ie. that worm in bastok, what was it Morion or something anyway u know what i'm saying. Basically SE needs to get their heads outta their asses and get to work, start workin for that 13 bucks. Sheesh they bitch about windowers but do nothing about ppl selling characters or offering to pl u for $800's i mean wtf!>< lol maybe i'm missing something here, i know one of u will square me away^^
Ahhhhh the fine print....
Alright, let me throw my two cents in...
I'm an ex-PS2er and new PC player, which meant, I knew nothing of the windower until about a month ago. I reviewed the archbell site to see what exactly the software did. I then went and read the ToS. Realizing a direct conflict, I passed on the download but kept researching it.
2 Weeks before the latest patch.....they told EVERYONE they would be addressing this issue and punishing anyone they found still using the 3rd party software. Sam has already posted the link to SE's site I believe. So obviously, I never even downloaded the program.
I understand your point that being able to see another player's TP is no big deal, but being able to have access to "privledged" coding is a real bad idea. Aside from the fact they never intended us to see this info, others may/are not using it for such honest reasons. I'd rather SE try to keep the game as fair as possible, so I understand their reasoning. I don't think SE worried about the windower portion for sometime, (having access to the web, etc) but once the other portions came along they had to act.
As far as the GM, actually I thought he was fine. Think about how many people they are listening to who are trying to whine their way out of it. He ignored the the jokes and answered the questions in a "by the book" demeanor. Sorry, I used to do phone tech support for a large ISP, so I can relate to being in that position. ^_^
Bottom line, if you accepted the ToS, you agreed to play by their rules.
Craig, the tool he was talking about wasn't a simple windower. He was talking about a scripting tool. Specifically, it's the stuff here. They allow you to monitor system variables and script responses. Basically, when you say "Damn why doesnt SE spend time cracking down on Botters and gil sellers" that's exactly what they are doing here :-)
Also, FWIW, there are a hell of a lot of myths people (in this clan and elsewhere) have concerning bots. One of these days, I really need to set them all straight, because a lot of people have the same sort of knee-jerk reaction you do, Craig, and not really understand what it is that SE is battling.
As for the Morion worm, again, it's a case where you don't understand it. The Morion worm pops when a certain item is traded to a ??? that appears in various places in Kor. Tunnel. When it pops, it is automatically claimed by the person who traded the item. This is not a cheat... this is not illegal... this is the way the game works.
I am honestly getting pretty sick and tired of people bitching and moaning about these things when they clearly don't understand them. Damnit, it's making me all angry... I'm gonna have to write up an article on it now :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
Uh, yeah, this (and other third party manipulation applications) are all against the ToS. You were never supposed to use them, they were a violation of the ToS (Terms of Service). They aren't evil, these are in the various Rules and Policies that you've had to agree to in order to play the game.
So, I take it you agree to ToS like this without even reading them? :-) If so, maybe you want to go back and read what you already agreed to :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
I read them >
More like skimed through them.^^;
Well, you have agreed to them so you are subject to them. Archbell's software is all 3rd party software. Even if it was merely a windower (which it isn't) it would still be against the ToS.
My hell, people, there's nothing that SE is doing that's "wrong" here!
Vis Maior's Journeys