Submitted by Slothimus on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 00:55.
I have reserved one hour at the Kokba Hostel, Whitegate J-10, at 8pm PDT on Friday,
6 OCT 06 for Thersty's bachelor party. Password will be provided 15 minutes prior to party. 500 gil fee charged by game to enter Hostel per player.
After party for those interested, Thersty wishes to do a quest.
Here are quest details and website walkthrough:
Knocking on Forbidden Doors
From FFXIclopedia
Start NPC: Enaremand - Tavnazian Safehold J-7
Items Needed: None
Title: None
Repeatable: No
Reward: Grants the ability to pose your mannequin.
Previous Quest: Behind the Smile
Next Quest: None
Talk with Enaremand (J-7 Upper Floor) for a cutscene.
Talk to Chemioue (J-6 Upper Floor) in Tavnazian Safehold for another cutscene.
Go to Phomiuna Aqueducts and find a Wooden Ladder at C-9 on the second map, and select the ladder for a cutscene.
Go to Misareaux Coast and select the ??? at I-6 for a key item, Mire Incense.
Go to the base of the waterfall at F-4 in Misareaux Coast and select the ??? to spawn the mannequin NM Alsha.
Alsha will cast Silence, Paralyze, various damage spells, but will occasionally also Cure III you.
Once she is reduced in HP, the message will show up that "Large drops of oil begin pouring from the eyes of the mannequin" and Alsha will repeatedly cast Fire II on herself until she dies.
If she kills herself, you will have to rezone and try to kill her again; you must deal the final blow to defeat her.
Once Alsha is defeated there will be a cutscene and you will obtain the Better Humes and Mannequins key item.
Return to Mhaura and talk to Fyi Chalmwoh to complete the quest.
This quest will not activate until the start of the next Earth day (midnight in Japan), after completion of Behind the Smile.
This quest allows the ability to set the pose of your mannequin, as often as you would like.
Once the quest is completed, Fyi Chalmwoh will change the pose of any mannequin you own repeatedly, for 1000 gil each time.
Game Description
Client: Enaremand (Third floor, Tavnazian Safehold)
One last material is required to complete Enaremand's final masterpiece. Perhaps the mannequin craftswoman in Mhaura has some clues to where you may be able to find it.
Retrieved from ""
The party was a blast. Maior took pics and I danced for gil and we all had fun. they need to really make a /dance motion for the emotes. it was interesting trying to dance with just the emotes that show you moving. LOL but was good times for all that was there. :-P
lol where are the pics? I'd like to see those.
Ask Maior he was the one taking the pics.
A bachelor party where you help a wooden bride kill herself. Thats just sick ^^
It may be too early (lol) for me since i'll be getting ready for work. but i wish you guys the best on this quest.

Actually, there's some pretty hefty requirements for this quest. It's the final quest in a series.
First, people need to have complete the "It's Raining Mannequins!" quest and obtained a mannequin.
Next, they need to do the mannequin pumps quest, "Behind the Smile"
Then, and only then, can they get the quest "Knocking on Forbidden Doors".
Now, that being said, people don't need to be on this quest in order to participate. But they will have to do the quest (and battle) again later (if they are earlier in the quest series).
Vis Maior's Journeys
that fight is easy. take a mnk and a whatever and it is a pushover. When I did I have 6ppl help me. it was almost dead when I got out of the cs.
Fight is easy
Yeah, the fight is easy... but the pre-reqs for the quest are harder.
It was my impression this was going to be for everyone involved, but I think only a couple of people will actually get any use of the fight.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Anyone Can Help!
Well.. anyone lev 50+ with Tav Safehold access, lol. The point was to have a fun activity after the bachelor party. If we can help a few players finish off this quest, so much the better! As Maior says, you will need to have the prelims done if you want to get credit for it. But again, ANYONE CAN HELP!
I did quest #2 in the series last night, only to find out that I couldn't start quest #3 till the next day. I will be scrambling to get this started before the party tonight! See you all at the Whitegate Hostel!
Anyone can help, they just wont get the benefit of the quest...
Of course anyone can help... I was just pointing out that unless they are on that quest and needing that battle, they wont get the benefit of having killed the boss.
And considering how many pre-reqs the quest has, it's not something people are going to be able to do last minute.
My point was that the "requirements: none" that sloth listed is incorrect. This quest has a lot of requirements...
Vis Maior's Journeys
Good Point
After the bachelor party we will be doing the ALSHA fight only.
This could have been made more clear.